
The Heart Sutra Tayin Energy Painting size45.28X24.8 inch (115X63cm)

879 Sold
The Heart Sutra is one of the core scriptures of Buddhism, which expounds the wisdom and thoughts of Buddhism.

The concise text reveals the essence of all phenomena in the universe. Its main thesis is "form is emptiness, emptiness is form", unveiling the relationship between the material and the spiritual. It tells us that the appearance of things is temporary, and the true reality is emptiness. We can only achieve the liberation and freedom of the mind by letting go of attachment to material forms.

The Heart Sutra also elaborates on the six perfections of Buddhism, namely, giving, morality, patience, diligence, meditation, and wisdom. These six practices guide Buddhist followers on how to cultivate in daily life and ultimately attain Buddhahood.

This short yet profound sutra contains the profound wisdom of Buddhism. It perceives the nature of the universe and guides people to transcend the bondage of materiality, achieving the freedom and liberation of the mind. This classic text has become a guide and treasure for Buddhist cultivation, influencing to this day.
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Estimated Delivery Date: Jan 26-Jan 28
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