
Laughing Buddha Tayin Energy Painting size 37.8X15.7 inch (91X68cm)

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Maitreya Buddha, also known as the Laughing Buddha, is one of the most popular bodhisattvas in Chinese Buddhism. His image often depicts a plump monk with a broad smile, symbolizing joy, happiness, and abundance. According to Buddhist scriptures, Maitreya is the future Buddha, prophesied to arrive in the world and bring peace and prosperity. Therefore, followers believe that Maitreya can bring good fortune and blessings.

In popular culture, Maitreya Buddha is often seen as a symbol of auspiciousness, and many people place his statues in their homes, shops, or temples to pray for wealth and family harmony. His image frequently appears in artworks, accessories, and various folk products. Due to his cheerful smile, Maitreya Buddha is not only adored by adults but also loved by children, making him a symbol of happiness and harmony cherished by many families.
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Estimated Delivery Date: Jan 26-Jan 28
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